Sorry it has been quite awhile since my last blog folks. Life has been kinda hectic, but that's life for ya. I've been still Flying though. I've got both FS2004 and FSX installed on my computer at the moment. Haven't been able to fly as often as I would like but at least it's there in case I get the urge to work on some traffic patterns or freshen up on tracking VOR's or doing some ILS approaches. I would like to start formation flying again. I used to have an old video on YouTube of myself and a few friends of mine flying formation but they took it down because of copyright bs because of the songs I had on it. So I'm looking to make another formation video soon. I'll try to keep you guys posted. Here is a video from YouTube that I found by guitargamery. I'm very envious, I wish I had a hellacious gaming rig like he has.