Hey everybody hope all is well! Well my buddies from VFR Prop Hops is tired of Microsoft's Gamespy multi-player and has decided to transition to a new multi-player server network called Virtual Air Traffic Multiplayer Experience . I have downloaded the software required and after a several minutes of trying to figure out what the heck I was supposed to do and several minutes of setting my router ports to accommodate the network I finally was able to log in. I honestly have mixed thoughts about it. First why dont they just use the same ports that Gamespy uses to make it easier? My first impression after seeing my first multi- player aircraft was that it is just like FSHost. I sat on the tarmac and saw another player sitting on the ground in a Cessna 172 with his nose straight in the ground. After a few minutes it straightened out and he was level again and taxing to the runway. Well while he was taxing to the runway I could see his aircraft moving in a circular motion while moving forward as if he was panning his view around. We had the same issues in the FSHost days. This makes formation flying impossible. So Im not sure if I will make the transition to VATME anytime soon. For me the latency sucks and I dont think I could deal with that. Yeah Gamespy has its flaws but I think i can deal with it. I wish VFR Prop Hops the best of luck with their transition. They are a bunch of great people.
More to come later............
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
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Its been a little over a week since my last post. Ive been a little busy but Im still around! : ) I have managed to scrounge up a few screen shots I took while flying this past week. As far as the sim goes, I have had really no problems such as the dreaded Fatal Error. Enjoy the pics!
Monday, October 10, 2011
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Well this weekend went pretty well. I only had one fatal error the whole weekend. This was the scenario for which the fatal error occurred. I was in Gamespy Multiplayer and I kept changing display settings, just testing my settings and at the same time I was loading back into the session someone else in the multiplier had logged out and at that time is when my system had locked and a fatal error had occurred. Other than that issue all went well. No other errors! I spent this weekend flying with the guys on VFR Prop Hops flying through B.C. and through Alaska. It was a pretty good turn out. I'll post picture later when I get time.
Friday, October 7, 2011
So Far....So good....
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Happy Friday all!! Well as I stated in my previous post I just had to re install FSX for the 100 billionth time. My new method has worked in my favor so far as I have been able to fly for almost 8 hours with the guys at VFR Prop Hops without any hiccups * * *KNOCK ON WOOD* * * Im even getting a little better frame rate as well. Shoot Im even running with clouds on and its at a pretty steady 19.9-20 FPS! This is big for my little system. More to come......
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After about a week of dealing with Microsoft Flight Simulator X giving me fatal error messages I figure I would remove it from my hard drive.... once again... and try another route. I've been reading and doing my homework. I have found that Windows 7 64bit and FSX just don't get along, causing things to become unstable and crash for some as in my case here. But others have no issues with it what so ever. Some say to install Flight Sim on a completely separate hard drive altogether. Well for me this isn't going to work because I'm a broke s.o.b. and simply don't have the funding to add another hard drive to my computer so I took a different approach today. Instead of installing FSX to its typical default destination within the confines of my hard drive I made a new folder directly into my C: drive directory and promptly named it Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Some people have had great success installing it this way, for the computer doesn't have to dig so deep to find the software buying my processors a little more time to do other duties such as rendering autogen, textures, ect. ect. I also know from past experience that a little .dll file called uiautomationcore.dll could also be the culprit to my mysterious fatal error crashes. I believe that this isn't the case for me though as I have tried in the past with all the tips and tricks of fixing the uiautomationcore.dll and has never worked for me so it must be something else.I have had all my drivers updated and so forth. It could possibly be the actual hardware itself or lack there of. Im on a Acer Aspire desktop which has a 256mb integrated video card. Good thing is it has 4 gigs of DDR3 ram and a 3.2 quad core processor. Bad news is finding a video card that will fit into the tiny little computer casing plus not to mention finding a strong enough power supply that is also compact enough to fit into the little rig to power the video card. Then again the lack of funding comes into play so I gotta work with what I got. Honestly though with the proper application of tweaks to the fsx.cfg and some modifications to the textures and resizing the autogen I can run FSX at a decent 20-24fps locked. With most of my sliders cranked. Not to shabby I suppose considering the hardware Im working with. Hopefully moving the default destination of fsx to a subfolder just inside the C: drive, i.e. C\ Microsoft Flight Simulator X will prove to be effective for me. As I have learned over the almost 18 years of working with flight simulator, the hard way I might add, is to never hold your breath when it comes to things like this. You can hope for the best but expect the worse. This especially holds true when it comes with dealing with FSX.... there is no miracle cure or quick/easy fix. If it aint one thing its another.
So Ive spent just about my entire day uninstalling FSX and then reinstalling it then added all my tweaks and such finally finished my last round of defragging with O&O defrag. I have had no time today to see if any of these thing has improved performance and rid me of that bloody freakin "fatal error". Only time and alot of patience will tell.
My apologies go out to the guys over at VFR Prop Hops I was looking forward to joining you guys today as you trekked across Cuba but as you can see I've been a little busy lol. Maybe Ill be able to join you guys this weekend, who knows?! Im hopefull!
So Ive spent just about my entire day uninstalling FSX and then reinstalling it then added all my tweaks and such finally finished my last round of defragging with O&O defrag. I have had no time today to see if any of these thing has improved performance and rid me of that bloody freakin "fatal error". Only time and alot of patience will tell.
My apologies go out to the guys over at VFR Prop Hops I was looking forward to joining you guys today as you trekked across Cuba but as you can see I've been a little busy lol. Maybe Ill be able to join you guys this weekend, who knows?! Im hopefull!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Prop Hoppin
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I spent a couple hours today hoppin around Australia with the guys over at VFR PROP HOPS I started out in the AA-5B Tiger I was harping about a few days ago but it was kinda hard for me to keep up with all the Cessna Caravans so I ended switching aircraft in the middle of the hops and jumped into the Cessna 310. I didn't get very many pics because I was too busy flyin but here are a few I did get. Enjoy!
*click on pictures to enlarge
orbx Lilydale AU freeware scenery
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A little preview of a freeware scenery I found on fullterrain.com of Lilydale AU. Its pretty good for the most part the ground textures are a little blurry for me but other then that its pretty good! It is really good on frames considering all the ai aircraft on the ground. Enjoy!
*Click on the pictures to enlarge.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Tim "Piglet" Conrads AA-5B Tiger
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was messing around tonight after a long day and took some pictures of Piglets AA-5B Tiger, enjoy! You can download this aircraft directly HERE from Simviation. Btw I still havent made my trek to VA and NC yet, Ive been waiting for the weather to clear so it will be VFR. Heres the flight plan!
*Click on pictures to enlarge.

*Click on pictures to enlarge.

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