Well Dino Cattaneo has been hard at work in his little hangar fixing up his F-14D and working on his first payware project an F-35. Today he brings us a new version of his F-14D, v.0.99 which you can find HERE. The following come from Dino's blog which I erg you to bookmark and read:
I know that I should better be working on the F-35A (probably my first payware release) but still...here is another Tomcat update. As there are still few bugs, and as it is still missing proper checklists and manuals, I've labeled it 0.99 - but honestly I do not see any major change from my side anytime soon.
In this release I've tried to integrate some repaints, as there are some excellent ones out there...but they were somewhat different in style and did not mix as I hoped...so they were left out.
Other than that, major changes are in the visual department (with several fixes new engines and burner effects that I am sure someone will not like....), the dynamics (with a far less overpowered engine... as drawinback it is extremely difficulty to exceed Mach 1.6 now - should be 1.8 for the real F-14D) and a custom sound package courtesy of Aaron Swindle.
Previous version deleted. File has also been sent to Flightsim.com. List of changes as follows:
- Fixed glitch in radar radome opening
- Afterburner effects redone (modeled 3d)
- Engine nozzle redone
- Tweaked engine dynamics (less powerful)
- Tweaked gears/flaps/spoilers aerodynamic coefficients
- Adjusted arrestor hook contact point (courtesy of James F. Chams)
- Added custom sounds courtesy of Aaron Swindle (I've pasted some stock F-18 sounds for full Acceleration compatibility)
- Changed canopy texture to allow crew names for repainters
- Fixed minor glitch in fuselage geometry

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