No news on Dinos Cattaneos F-14 Tomcat being released yet, the last I heard is that it was pretty much ready for release with the exception of just a few things to fix but he was confident it would have been release by this weekend. I have my fingers crossed.

Me and Dave from FlightSim Hangout have planned a flight for tonight on FSX gamespy.Flight plan is as followed:
DEPARTURE: KPAE - Snohomish County WA
ARRIVAL: KVUO - Pearson Field, Vancouver WA
VFR - 4500' or as ATC advises.
Departure time 1800PST
Make sure you show up earlier than 1800 Pacific Time. The gamespy server name is WWW.FLIGHTSIMHANGOUT.COM <--all caps. We are planning on taking some props so plan for a low and slow flight. You can read more info on our events page HERE
Aerosoft has released the Mallorca X Scenery for FSX. Oh I have fond memories of Palma Mallorca when we would make port visits when I was in the Navy. Many were either drunken blurs or walking down the beach not realizing it was a nude beach ***Giggity*** I even remember watching the planes come in for landing while getting drunk on the beach with my shipmates hehe. Oh Palma..... Anyway I may give this scenery a try just to check it out.
Well I was finally able to sit down and download Tim Conrad's newest creation... the Zlin Z-50L. Man what a powerful little plane. It is truly an acrobatic aircraft for sure and really fun to fly. Stupid me forgot to take some screenshots. But I think its another must have if your fan of Tim Conrad's work. And yes there is his signature little pouch for your dogie treats and aircraft id tag with aircraft info & the "Made by Piglets Peculiar Planes" with the little pig on it. Hes even got a repaint for it with his beloved German Sheppard Ben who is now passed on. R.I.P. little buddy. I'm a huge dog fan too and have 2 dogs of my own so I can understand his loss. They are truly mans best friend (besides Google)!
Along with downloading Tim's Zlin I also downloaded and installed the Bellanca Super Decathlon Package. It is a port over from FS2004 originally by the Long Island Classics Design Team. Panel updated for FSX with FS Panel Studio by Danny Garnier. It is a nice little taildragger. Again not thinking I didnt take any screenshots so my apology's. You can find both the Zlin Decathlon
***pictures credited to their respective owners
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